Potential Problems and Military Strategy

At the Russian Military Academy, a top General gave a lecture on 'Potential Problems and Military Strategy'. At the end of the lecture he asked if there are any questions.

An officer stood up and asked: 'Will there be a third world war? Will Russia take part in it?' The General answered both questions in the affirmative.

Another officer asked: 'Who will be the enemy?

The General: 'All indications point to China.' All the audience is shocked.

The officer asks: 'General, we are only 150 million; there are 5 Billion Chinese. Can we win at all?'

The General: 'Just think about this. In modern warfare, it is not the quantity that matters but the quality. For example, in the Middle East we have had a few wars recently where 5 million Jews fought against 50 million Arabs, and Israel was always victorious.'

After a small pause the smartest officer asked, 'Do we have enough Jews?'

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