Afternoon tea

A mother and daughter are sitting down over afternoon tea. The mother wants to show her daughter that she's a hip parent and tries to get her daughter to open up and talk about dating boys and what it's like for her.

"So," says the mom, "now that you have started dating, what's it like getting intimate with young men?"

"Oh, you know how it is," replies the daughter. "Boys are always insensitive and never care if intimacy isn't working for me."

"How?" asks mom. "Oh, stuff...." says daughter.

"Really now, you can trust me. I think that its important for mothers and daughters to talk about these matters," continues mom.

"I don't know," answers the daughter.

"Now don't forget, I was a teenager once and I can remember what dating boys was like for me," says mom.

"OK," says the reluctant daughter. "For starters, how do you get their cum out of your hair?"

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