Spanish fly

A man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the end of it. She is so beautiful he cannot take his mind off her, so he calls the bartender over and says, "Take that woman a drink on me."

The bartender says, "It won't work."

"What do you mean, it won't work?"

"That woman," says the barkeep, "is a hardhearted bitch. You won't get nowhere with her - nobody does!"

"Okay," says the guy. "How about this: you got any Spanish fly?"

"Spanish fly? No," says the bartender, "I've got Jewish Fly."

"So, what the hell is Jewish fly?"

"I don't know; I've never used it. You want to give it a try?"

"Yes," says the guy, and the next chance he gets, on his way to the men's room, he reaches behind her back and drops the stuff in the woman's drink.

Nothing happens for a long time, but then all of a sudden he feels her body close against his, and her voice is whispering hotly in his ear, and she's saying "I can't stand it anymore! You excite me so much...take me shopping!"

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